Terms & Conditions

Terms of Use – Secrecy Policy

Terms of use

Please read the following terms before any action in the site. It is a must.

A. Introduction

Terms and rules as they are described below fix and bind the action (exhibition and sale retail of clothes and accessories) of the e-shop or network site httrs://missmillereshop.com of the Greek Co. named “Miss Miller”, Tax record number 031164408 Financial Service Holargos, which is at Halandri, Attica (Haimanda st. 30, PC 15234 Tel. 2106833338) from now on referred as “missmillereshop” or the “Company”

In any case any of your action, either to put an order or just to surf in our e-shop it binds you with obligations and rights set by the secured terms consolidated by the Company This is the reason that you are asked to read carefully the terms of use, to understand them and only if you agree and only then you may make any motion in our website.

For any correction, adjustment or addendum to the General Terms of Use, according to the Laws on Electronic Trade, the only Competent to do is the Company and they become validated when published in the site without any warning. If you disagree with any amendment, then you have to interrupt any action in the site. We recommend to look at je terms of use every time you are going to use it, thus is meant you agree with them.

B. Transactions Safety


The protection of your personal data, during the use of our services, is very important to us. The e-shop missmillereshop com acknowledges without nay condition the regulations of data protection in the European Union and cares for the application of the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation -GDPR Regulation ( EU 2016/679). All data of personal character are collected, worked out and probably passed over, only if there is an equivalent lawful basis (article 6 GDPR). During collection, working out and passing over are kept all regulations of working ou the data (article 5 GDPR).

The following information consist of the basis of effective exercise of your rights as they stand in the GDPR. Please study this regulation so you learn more about the type of information we collect about you through our e-shop and how we use this information.


According to the General Data Protection Regulation responsible for working out data of personal character coming to the e-shop missmillereshop.com, which function in the address https://missmillereshop.com aiming at the execution of agreement to sale products from distance. Is the company under the name “Miss Miller” Tax Record Number 031164408,Financial Office Holargos, and following data of communication:

Address: Haimanda st. 30 Halandri Attica P.C. 15234

Telephone: 210 66833338

E-mail :hello@missmillereshop.com.


The personal data of personal character , which are collected and kept by missmillereshop.com are the name, the surname, address of residence and of work, postal code, telephone, mobile telephone., e-mail and which at their own will , are used to registration and creation of an account in the site https://missmillereshop.com or b) state them during their telephone orders in order to make use of the sevices of the e-shop. They are also collected automatically in order to study the consumer’s customs and habits. This is done only with the verbal consent, with the use of cookies, of the visitors of the e-shop.


Saving data of personal character, which come voluntarily to the millereshop serves the compulsory measure of the internal system of the shop for the effective supply of our professional services a) needed for the execution of agreements of distance sale . The electronic shop works out personal data absolutely foor the execution of orders. It is no data collected or saves and in any way for future use and it is prohibited to be passes to any other. The saving of data of personal character serves also t b) to defend the legal interests of the e-shop (we use information for example address IP or any other to exclude any cheat or misuse of the site c) the collection of personal data can be used for the demands of the law e.g. taxation. Anyway d)personal data which are kept by the e-shop are worked out and probably passed after the verbal advice of the person for acknowledgement and the upgrading of the relation between the shop and the person.


According ti the principle of limit of the saving the electronic shop missmillereshop.com keeps data of personal character for the time that fixes the law. Concretely a) when the working out is executed on the basis of an agreement your data are saved for as long as is needed for the execution of the agreement and for the establishment, exercise or/and the support of legal demands on the basis of the agreement and b) for the aims of promotion marketing activities, your data will be kept until recall of your consent. This you can do any time you like. C)We shall keep your account data as long as you do not ask to scratch them. We shall keep them with the purpose to offer our services. At the same time everything from the data and the protection of the data is underlined the algorithm cryptography SSL 256-bit and is saved temporarily and in no case in platform of temporary cryptography. Beyond the deadlines of saving , personal data are kept for longer time as needed for special purpose or the defence of legal demands .specially according to article 17 para 3) of the Data Protection Regulation.


For the protection of the interests of data owners are in force the following rights:

a)the right of access to the data of personal character

You have the right to know and verify the legality of the working out. This way you have the right of access to the data and have additional information regarding the working out.

b)The right to correct the data of personal character

You have the right to study, to correct to up to date to amend or reform your personal data coming in touch with the responsible of working out the data.

c) The right of deletion of data of personal character

You have the right to make a request of cancellation of your personal data when we work them out on the basis of your consent or if we are going to protect our interests. In all other cases(if there is an agreement, obligation of working out personal data obligatory from the law, public interest) or simply does not exist depending on the case.

d) the right of limitation of the working out of personal data

You have the right to ask limitation of the working out in the following cases : (a) if you have doubts about the accuracy of the data and till they are verified (b) if you resist to the cancellation of the data and you ask instead the limitation of their use (c) if the data are not needed for the purpose of working out but they are needed for the establishment, exercise and support of legal demands and (d) if you are against the working out of data and until there is the verification and that there are legal reasons regarding us and thy are stronger against the reasons you are against.

(e) the right of opposition to the working out of personal data

You have the right to oppose at any time to the manipulation of your personal data in the cases, as described above, that is necessary for purposes of legal interests of the site who is responsible, as well as to the manipulation for the purpose of direct trading promotion and formation pf consumer’s profile.

(f) The right of portability of personal data

You have the right to get without any fee your personal data in such a form, which will allow you to have access to them, to use them and manipulate with common ways of working them out. You have also the right to ask us if technically possible, to transfer your data to other responsible for the working out. You have this right for the data you provided to us and the working out is done automatically on the basis of your consent or relevant agreement.

(g) The right of acknowledging the amendment/correction of the personal data if it is possible.

(h) The right of examining bt people fully automatic decisions.


The assent of disposal personal data from the owner is necessary for the execution of orders (agreements of sale products from a distance) to the electronic shop missmillereshop.com/ Data as NAME, SURNAME, ADDRESS HOME/WORK,POSTAL CODE, TELEPHONE, MOBILE TELEPHONE, MAIL are saved after the selection-registration of the user and they are manipulated exclusively for the execution of the order. The verbal assent of the user is asked clearly and distinctively for the cases of : emailmarketing, newsletters, cookies.


The working out of a child’s data in the frame of offering services regarding the assent of the child missmillereshop.com accepts the assent only if the child is at least at he age of sixteen (16) years. If the child is under 16 years then the use of missmillereshop.com and the obvious manipulation of the data for the execution of any order is possible only if the assent is given and approved by the person who has the parental care of the child (GRPD).


Others, who probably have knowledge of above data, after the consent of the owners in the frame of their professional cooperation (work in marketing) with the electronic shop are bound with discretion and manipulation of personal data on the basis of article 28 of General Personal Data Regulation .


The owner of the data keeps the right to recall (opt-out) at any time his assent to exceptional or all the activities of the working out. This right of the owner can be easily exercised, if he contacts the responsible of manipulating the data to the electronic address (hello@missmillereshop.com). Executed deals till the recall shall not be affected.


If a data owner believes that the manipulation of his data is violating the arrangements of GDPR then he has the right of accusation at Greek authority of data protection (Authority of Protection Data of Personal Character) which is at Ampelokipoi (Athens) Kiffisia ave. 1-3 , P.C.11523.


The electronic shop missmillereshop,com can send after consent of of the dataholders – customers e-mail messages for marketing as well as newsletters (to inform its customers about new products and offers of the e-shop and for upgrading the relation between the customers and the e-shop). The concrete form of consent should be given freely to be informed and clear. These prerequisites should be done when the customers owners of the data have chosen to receive e-mail messages marketing and newsletters, stating that they wish to be this way informed about products and offers of the e-shop; They should fill in appropriate form or the newsletters form which is in the site or they should answer to a simple and distinct question of the e-shop. The customers keep the right to unsubscribe by pressing the appropriate button at the electronic address of communication.


The millereshop.com recognizes the importance f credibility for every telepayment and has developed a safe system of data transport under the cover of an impenetrable cryptography which keeps safe every recording. The procedure of clearing your payment, in case you decide to pay by credit card, is executed by the National Bank. This is why you are automatically transferred to the service of NB. All the details of the card (Card number, Name of holder, Date of expire and the three digitals CVV on the back side of the card) are electronically and secretly recorded at the service of the Bank. In this case the details are only used during control and debiting. This way all transactions made with missmillereshop.com are absolutely safe.


Cookies are small harmless text files, which are driven from the list counter to your pc hard disk during the surfing in our web server and they are valuable instrument for the formation of the consumer’s profile and thus they make easier your surfing. The missmillereshop.com after the clear consent of the data owner with the request electronically put simply, clearly and distinctly uses the cookies for collection of necessary information to count the productivity of the web site and to make its pages more attractive. Their significant use is to follow and record your consuming activities regarding the visit of the site, how often and how long you are in it. All archives used might be saved in the surfing program, they do not carry any malicious program, they never use information kept in your pc as they are not program and cannot read other information.

They are mainly used::

Cookies of the Connection Period Situation They are based on the interaction of the visitors/users and they are used to promote the services of the electronic shop and improve the experience of the users. It is possible to exclude or delete them without any obstacle to the function of the site.

Google Analytics Cookies: They are beneficial instruments for the report of the interaction of the users and they are used of keeping elements of no personal identification for Repeated Marketing as far the data owner agrees. In fact it is a cookie advertisement of Google and comes in the following forms:



utma Shows the entrance of users and their stay in the site

utmb Distinguishes the entrance of new users and shows the time of their stay

utmc it helps the function of utmb cookie to distinguish new users and improves the general interfunction of the programs

utmv It saves the source of information or the campaign from which came the user

utmz It is used to save data in connection with visitors and level of adaptation

These cookies are deleted immediately if the user – customer – owner of the data does not visit the web site more thsn 50 months. Remind you in case you do not want the use of cookies you may exclude them.


The electronic shop missmillereshop.com applies all safety measures for the protection of the whole of elaborated data. In this frame are applied high technical specifications and necessary developed procedures in order to comply with the regulations of protection of personal data on the basis of General Data Production Regulation – GDPR – Regulation (EU) 2016/679). Therefore we inform you that your personal data at our e-shop are safe, they are not used for any research they are not shared with any other in any other site and they are used exclusively for the execution of your orders. We underline that we call on every visitor or user of missmillereshop,com to read the above carefully and proceed to use the e-shop only if he accepts its terms.

C. The Order

The time space during which the products are hanged shows also their availability at the e-shop. The prices shown on the available products include also the V.A.T. which is 24%.Sales to countries non members of the European Union the VAT id deducted. The price of the products which return or sent for substitution is the price as it was on the day of recording the order. If the consumer wishes to make a change of a product, which has no discount for another which has discount then the change will take place on the basis of the original price and not the discount price. During periods officially acknowledged as discount or offer periods is possible that the company will not apply the usual decrease. The company has every right to change at any time and without warning the prices of available products but always in accordance with the Regulations and Ethics of the Electronic Trade and the Rules for the Consumer’s Protection. At missmillereshop.com the procedure of buying is almost no different from the natural way of buying as the main difference is the time of trying the product and at the same time you enjoy the absolute safety of the network. You can put your order by two ways:

A) Electronic Order

1. You choose the product you wish. You choose colour, size (if available) and quantity.

2. You choose “Addition to the basket” and in the opened window you choose “Projection of the basket” if you wish to add more products in your basket or “Cash” for completion of the order.

3. By choosing “Cash” you implement your personal data and fill in the necessary information where needed.

4. You choose the way of dispatch by courier or at the shop.

5. You choose the way of payment bank transfer or on reception the product or at the shop paying with card.

6. Acceptance of the regulations.

7. Finally you press Dispatch Completion of ORDER and your order is recorded.

B) Order by Telephone

You can put your order by calling to our telephone center 210 6833338 from Monday to Friday 10.00 – 17.00.




All orders put until 12.00 a.m. are elaborated the same day whereas others are elaborated next day.

Orders put on Friday after 12.00 am and Saturday and Sunday are elaborated on Monday.

Your order is sent to the address you gave us as the address of receipt.

Your order will come to you with a copy the invoice of sale and a card of dispatch. All orders will be executed with legal documents signed by the receiver.


All dispatches in Greece are forwarded by GREEK POST courier in 1- 3 days plus debit 2 euros. For cash on delivery orders the fee is 2 euros. For buying over 30 euros the transport expenses are gratis.



Halandri Attica Gratis Same day

ATTICA 2 euros 1 weekday

CITIES – SMALL TOWNS 2,30 euros 1 – 2 days

ISLANDS 2,30 “ 1 – 3 days

OF DIFFICULT ACCESS 2,30 “ 2 – 4 days


Delivery of products executed via POST OFFICE courier in two or three days and the transport expenses are 15 euros.

For purchases over 150 euros the transport is free/


For dispatches outside Greece and Cyprus please connect with us.


Delay in the delivery of the products could be in the following cases:

a) during periods with big commercial movement

b) because of the weather bad conditions

c) in case of superior force

In any case you will be informed in time by e-mail or telephome from the company.

D) ways of payment

The missmillereshop.com provides the following choices of safe payment:

1. Payment Cash on delivery

In the case of cash on delivery the settlement of your order is done at the delivery in cash to the agent of the transport company. This method is provided only for orders destination in Greece. If you choose way of payment Cash on delivery then the settlement is done with cash to the agent of POST OFFICE COURIER at the reception of your product plus 2,00 euros.

2. Payment with credit card

Choosing payment with card you have the possibility to pay in full your order with Credit,, Debit or Prepaid card. The clearing procedure is done by Piraeus Bank under absolute safety of your transaction with missmillereshop.com. As soon as you complete what is necessary to put your order you are transferred automatically to the secure server of the bank. All the data of your card (number of card, name of holder, date of expiry and 3digital number CVV on the back of the card) are transferred electronically and secretly to the services of National

Bank. At missmillereshop.com you can buy in absolute safety.

3.Payment by PayPal

Using PayPal, it is an on line service of transferring money, you settle your order through the safest way for transactions in the Network. The payee receives only money but he never receives numbers of cards. Tour data are acknowledged only to PayPa l and no one can steal them as it is all cryptography pages.

4. Payment by deposit to bank account

If none of the above ways to pay the value of your order is not proper for you you may settle it by bank deposit. In this case for confirming your order the deposit of the money should be the same or next working day you put your Order.

IMPORTANT WARNING: In case you choose to transfer money from different bank the expenses for the transfer is on the customer.

The deposit of the money you can make to following account:

IBAN: GR7701101780000017840414027

The owner of the account is the Company Miss Miller.

E. Returns Policy

At the missmilleresfop.com return/change of the products can be only in 14 calendar days. Concretely:

1. Changes of Size / Colour / Design

For return of the products you may contact us via e-mail or telephone 210 6833338. Tour product will be sent to you via POST OFFICE Courier the next day of the day you put your request substitution of your products. It is understood that to get the new product you have to give back to the agent of the transport company the parcel that you have and you want to replace.

The necessary condition for the return of products is that they are in their original shape. It means they have not been used and be in the original packing(in the bag it was transported), be with the buying card or any other document.

On products which are returned and those which are sent for substitution the prices valid are the ones as they stand on the date of recording the order .If the customer wants to change a product, which has ne discount and he wants another product, which ha discount then the change will be done on the basis of the original price , not the price with discount. During periods officially acknowledged as periods of discount and offers is possible not to refund the usual amount of discounts or buying bonus. The Company has the right to change anytime and without warning the price of the products always in accordance with the Ethics Regulations of Electronic Trade and the Regulations for the Customer’s Protection.

In case that you cannot another design or your size is unavailable as well as the colour you wish in order to change your product you can choose Refund of Money . ((For the Refund of Money read below the “Right of Backing out”).

During the procedure of executing the orders our Company does everything to control the products and secure their best quality. In the rare case that you receive a product manufacturer’s fault you may contact us on e-mail or on telephone 210 6833338. Missmiilereshop.com examines the request for return and orders the transporter to take the product from the address you have given. After the picking up of the product we immediately contact to proceed to the completion of the return. At the same time in case you receive a product different from the one you ordered you may contact us (e-mail or telephone 210 6833338) and you follow the same procedure as for Change of Size/Colour/Design described in para 1.

2. Changes of Faulty products

During the procedure of executing the order our Company proceeds to a thorough control of the products in order to secure best quality. In the case you receive a product, which has a fault you may contact us (e-mail or telephone 210 6833338) to proceed to the return of the product without any charges.

The missillereshop.com works out the request of return your order and gives order to the transporter to pick up the product from the address you have given. After the reception of the product we contact you immediately to conclude the procedure of return.

3. Changes of mistaken dispatches of products

During the procedure of execution the orders our Company advances to an extreme control of the products so that to secure the best quality and the correct dispatch. In the case you receive a product , which is different than the product you have ordered then you contact us (e-mail or telephone 210 6833338) and proceed to the change or return without any charges and follow the same procedure as the Change of Size/Colour/Design described in para 1 missmillereshop.com Haimanda st. 30, Halandri Attica, P.C.15234, Monday-Friday 10.00 – 17.00

F. The Right of Backing out – Refund of Money

After the receipt of the product you can exercise the right of backing out in 14 calendar days since the day of receipt and ask your money back. As soon as we receive the returned product and see it is in the original state (it is not worn, there are no damages inside or outside and is accompanied by all documents) we give you back in 5 days all the amount written in the receipt of buying. In case you got it cash on delivery please give us a bank account as you get your money through bank In case of money return (Exercise of the Right of Backing out Law 2251/1994 Article 3 Para 1) expenses are paid by the consumer ,5 euros if you state receiver’s debit.

Information regarding the Money Refund

1. Indispensable condition for the acceptance of product returned is that it will be in its original state, it means not to be used or has any damages inside or outside, to be in its original packing (on its box and bag) with the receipt of buying or any other document and to returned in 14 calendar days.

2. Careful, for organizational reasons in the Section of Returns you have to contact us before it might never come to us.

2. Electronic Solution of Disputes between Consumer and Supplier

According to Law KYA 70330/2015, the Instruction 2013/11/EK provides the possibility of electronic resolving consuming disputes with the procedure Alternative Dispute Resolution, which functions as a reconciliation out of court of disputes between consumer and supplier quickly and cheaply ( in comparison with the court) and all is concluded electronically. . The carrier of Alternative Dispute Resolution has to decide in 90 days. The consumer applies to carrier of ADR after he has contacted the supplier and tried to resolve the dispute. Then the supplier will suggest the ADR for resolution. In case there is a successful agreement is drafted the proper document, otherwise the disoute goes to the court.

G. Copyright

The whole of the web site missmillereshop.com is a copyright of the Greek Company under the name “Miss Miller” tax Number 031164408 Financial Services Holargos, which is based at Halandri Attica (Haimanda 30 Greece,, Postal Code 15234) and is protected by the provisions of heme and international Law of Copyright. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, republish signs, banners, layouts, interface of graphic sketches, advertising or promotional actions. To reform or copy the whole or part or in any way offence of the copyright of the contents of this site unless you have a written consent from the company. Violating the above the Company cn exercise the right for demanding any damage .